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Patient notice – Reintroducing Anima

We will be reintroducing Anima on the 17th March, now that the technical issues have been resolved. You are welcome to sign up and or read more information about Anima by clicking on the Anima Tile. However, please DO NOT submit requests before the 17th March as they will not be actioned.

In order to help with the launch of Anima on Monday 17th March, we will have a ‘help kiosk‘ by reception on Monday 10th March (1pm – 3pm) and Thursday 13th March (10am – 12pm). Staff will be able to help you set up an account and answer any questions you may have.

Routine Appointments

As we prepare for Anima on 17/03/25 we are NOT taking any routine bookings for GP appointments. One aim of Anima is to reduce wait times. To achieve this, we must transition with empty clinics from the 17th.

A few book-on-day appointments are released each day at 8am but for the week beginning 10th March EVERY GP appointment will be a book-on-day. We will have capacity each day to consult with as many of you waiting for routine appointments as we can. Call at 08:00 during that week or wait for Anima on 17th March to request routine appointments.

Thank you for your continued patience while we try to improve our services.

Summary Care Record

The NHS in England uses a national electronic record called the Summary Care Record (SCR) to support patient care. It contains key information from your GP record. Your SCR provides authorised healthcare staff with faster, secure access to essential information about you in an emergency or when you need unplanned care, where such information would otherwise be unavailable.

Summary Care Records are there to improve the safety and quality of your care. SCR core information comprises your allergies, adverse reactions and medications. An SCR with additional information can also include reason for medication, vaccinations, significant diagnoses / problems, significant procedures, anticipatory care information and end of life care information. Additional information can only be added to your SCR with your agreement.

Please be aware that if you choose to opt-out of SCR, NHS healthcare staff caring for you outside of this surgery may not be aware of your current medications, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines you have had, in order to treat you safely in an emergency. Your records will stay as they are now with information being shared by letter, email, fax or phone. If you wish to opt-out of having an SCR please return a completed opt-out form to the practice.