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Patient notice – Reintroducing Anima

We will be reintroducing Anima on the 17th March, now that the technical issues have been resolved. You are welcome to sign up and or read more information about Anima by clicking on the Anima Tile. However, please DO NOT submit requests before the 17th March as they will not be actioned.

In order to help with the launch of Anima on Monday 17th March, we will have a ‘help kiosk‘ by reception on Monday 10th March (1pm – 3pm) and Thursday 13th March (10am – 12pm). Staff will be able to help you set up an account and answer any questions you may have.

Routine Appointments

As we prepare for Anima on 17/03/25 we are NOT taking any routine bookings for GP appointments. One aim of Anima is to reduce wait times. To achieve this, we must transition with empty clinics from the 17th.

A few book-on-day appointments are released each day at 8am but for the week beginning 10th March EVERY GP appointment will be a book-on-day. We will have capacity each day to consult with as many of you waiting for routine appointments as we can. Call at 08:00 during that week or wait for Anima on 17th March to request routine appointments.

Thank you for your continued patience while we try to improve our services.

Register with the surgery

Catchment area

Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.

You can also find out which GPs you can register with on the NHS website.

Before you register with us

  • If you are taking any regular repeat medications, ensure you have enough to last at least a month.
  • If you are moving from a practice from outside of NHS England: Ask your surgery to provide you a copy of Medical Summary for your own records, as it can take time for your notes to reach us. This includes NHS Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands and HM Armed Forces.
  • If you are currently undergoing investigations or current treatment not moving surgery or at least discussing with your GP and or consultant prior to moving. If it is essential that you are moving, then please try to ensure you have as much supporting information as possible in case we or the hospitals here need to refer to it.
  • Please note we will give you access to Online Services unless you tell us otherwise.
  • We will also automatically set you up for reminders via mobile sms for appointment confirmations, reminders and other surgery notifications. If you wish to not be included or change your mind at anytime, you can let us know.

We are pleased to accept you on to our list of patients and assure you of intentions to provide you with the best possible care. We would also draw your attention to your rights and responsibilities as a registered patient with us.

If you are taking any medication you will need to make an appointment to speak to one of our Clinical Pharmacists before we can issue any repeat prescriptions. Please note that if you are taking any medications for mental health, then the appointment will need to be with a GP.

Registering with the surgery

To register with the surgery:

When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

Temporary registration

If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days.

You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.

To register as a temporary patient simply contact the practice.  Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.

Related information

Named GP