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Patient Notice

We will be reintroducing Anima on the 17th March, now that the technical issues have been resolved. You are welcome to sign up and or read more information about Anima by clicking on the Anima Tile. However, please DO NOT submit requests before the 17th March as they will not be actioned.

Need someone to talk to?

You’re not alone. We’re here for you. No appointment needed.

tic+chat is an anonymous, 1-2-1 support service for young people aged 9-25 living in Gloucestershire. Speak to our friendly team about anything that’s troubling you. No problem is too big or too small.

Call 0300 303 8080 to chat with one of our team members over the phone (standard provider rates apply) or live message chat online via

Open hours

Sunday to Thursday, 5pm to 9pm